This is certainly the valiant tale of a Lunatic and a Lover. From Auckland, New Zealand, Lunatic & Lover is a spirit born of imagination and distilled with whole hearted dedication from scratch on a copper pot still and then vapour infused and crafted into incredibly small batches with every bottle hand numbered.
With a vision to distill the finest botanical rum this world has ever tasted, Lunatic & Lover craft a base of rich, pure single rum, made from the finest molasses sourced from the Chelsea sugar works, with water and yeast on a copper pot still. The first rum in New Zealand (and one of very few in the world) to be certified organic. A revelation for those unfamiliar with just how flavoursome a well crafted, unaged rum can be. The crazed-passion then has the spirit re-distilled using a highly unorthodox method of vapour infusion to capture unique botanical flavours and aromatics. There are no added sugar, essences, flavourings or colouring.
None of this is easy, but compromise is not part of the psyche at Lunatic & Lover, as they fervently believe the fruit of their labour is testament unto itself.
In their own words: "A creation of crazed-passion, Lunatic & Lover is in our opinion the world’s finest botanical rum. Through imagination, mania, and a dash of madness, we have managed to invent a distillate which instils the very spirit of adventure."
Vegan Friendly Wines
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services tax (GST).
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In order to purchase alcohol you must be over 18 years old and legally entitled to do so.
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